
Showing posts from March, 2023


 ONETED LIMITED PRIVACY POLICY  Your privacy is most important to us, and we take our responsibility to protect it sincerely. We respect your privacy rights and are committed to caring about the privy information that is gathered about you. This Privacy Policy defines what information we collect and how we disclose, use, store, and transfer it. If you don’t want to collect, store, use, or share your privy information in ways describes in this Privacy Policy, you may not be able to use our apps & services or to play our games. ONETED LIMITED including its accessory companies, collects, stores, and uses your personal information as a data controller in connection with, and in order to provide and develop games, mobile applications, services in accordance with this “Privacy Policy”. All of our Services, whether used on PCs, mobile devices, or other platforms, are commanded by this Privacy Policy. By using our Services, you hereby assent to this Privacy Policy. If you have any comments